Monday, August 9, 2010

Who cares?

Yeah! So if you haven't noticed blogging is not my strong suit. I haven't posted since April, and it's August. On that note who cares? I don't see this as any part of my life's work to blog. It is what it is :)

So I've been riding my Katana form time to time. It's cleaned up nicely since winter storage and has become quite the street bullet. Of course the rear tire is wearing and the chain is streching, but that's normal for a rocket. I've been on a ride with the riders in the son (a Horizons Church based group of riders) but found I was the only one there with a wife and kids at home. I'm still looking for that place I fit in. I'm looking at riding with a Christan Motorcycle Association group called Godspeed next and they all ride rockets. It will be a real change of pace I'm sure.

I sold my motor bicycle, again. I thought it would help someone out but they just resold it and crashed it. I think it's time for a new approach on the motorbicycling building. Not for my own bikes but if I'm going to put them together for people they are going to have to bring the parts. I can't afford to build them and hope someone will buy them. So there will be one more boardtrack. Third times the charm right?

Adam asked if I wanted to ride the Katana to first Thurs this month. Most everyone I know don't like riding downtown so I was shocked he was up for it. So I missed out on the Velodrome races but had some cheap pizza and a Dew. Life is good. He's all ready planning next months ride too! I'm trying to wrap my head around the Minneapolis Mess Around coming up in September. I first heard about this rockabilly event at the Bluecat Motors open house. Gotta love Bluecat, check 'em out.

As the early 70's movies used to say "More to come?"

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