Friday, December 10, 2010

Anything but rolling

As the cold deepens in Minnesota and we consider the thought,"how long until I freeze to death in this tempature?" I like to spend my time looking at pictures, videos, and toys that remind me that the sun will return to this side of the planet and we'll all get to ride again soon. I haven't been able to find a job yet, two years now. I should just travel around selling baked goods or something. Then at least I'd be rolling.


  1. I'll take some brownies! :) I hope that my fb post didn't offend you!! I totally wasn't talking about you...just the other tons of people that are not trying...just riding out the money...I felt bad after you replied to my post..but I think I was pretty clear in saying there are the ones who deserve it, and then the ones who abuse it...So anyways, sorry! And I know that you do not fall into the "using it" category!

  2. Keep your chin up Scott. We will ask God to get you the job you need in the meanwhile you have something special and that is time with your little girls
