Friday, November 19, 2010


Excitement gripped me when I discovered that there are solar battery chargers, and they are only $20 at your local home improvement store. Now being as excited as I was I knew there was bound to be some dissappointment, and when the the sun set at 4PM I realized that new gizmo wasn't going to pull it's own weight until those long summer days. I admit that I am a go green geek. I am not all loud motors and mixed gas like some. As a friend once told me, "If you could ride something that made no noise at all why wouldn't you want to ride it?"

The mighty two-stroke motor will always be cheap and fast but I'm ready for some electric stuff that's worth what you pay for it. Putting drill batteries in the power wheels has been the best move yet. They recharge really quick and I got them set up now where any battery in the collection can adapt to any ride on. It will be really cool when the kids learn how to balance on two wheels. They have been riding on stand up scooters in the house since the snowfall. Scooters seem to get around the house the best without tearing up too much, however there have been a few crashes into walls and appliances by us parents! We picked up a Razor E-100 electric scooter that I had to fix up. It runs on the drill batteries and a push button switch now. Angie and I get to racing the kids and get a little carried away with the "Go Baby Go" button.

I have the worst nudge to get a power wheel car for the kids but don't see why they need anything else. A Harley, Four Wheeler, Ducati, Dirt Bike, Pocket rocket, lifted jeep, and a small four wheeler should really be enough right? And a scooter for mom and dad, makes me laugh.

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